2 Squares Solutions has a dedicated web design team. We are motivated, talented, and constantly reviewing the latest design trends and features.
By using the latest tools, we are able to offer a wide variety of website designs while conforming to the standards of the ever changing world of website browsers and mobile devices.
We are also able to implement our custom Content Management System with Advanced Search Engine Optimization features into any design regardless of who the designer may be.
Search Engine Optimization
The 2 Squares Solutions SEO Program is designed to address the search engine algorithms of all main search engines. The scope of the SEO Program is customized according to the needs of the website, its target audience and the online competition associated with the client's business.
We work with our clients to make sure their content not only gets indexed by the major search engines, but stays at the top of the rankings. Our long-term goal is to get as much of our clients content to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages.
Content Management
We work with our clients to develop content that is related to their core business needs.
By creating and optimizing content for our clients it allows them to focus on growing and running their business. Creating and managing content for a large website can be an overwhelming task for any business owner. We strive to take away that burden and make it as easy as possible for all of our clients!
Social Media Management
Social Media may not be right for every business. We believe that using Social Media along with a well-designed website is a great way to drive traffic to your website.
We can effectively manage your existing accounts or create new ones as needed for your business, with the result being that you can focus on your business and not what the latest and greatest social media thing is going to be.
Online Advertising
The 2 Squares Solutions PPC Management Solution will create new or manage existing campaigns with the goal of creating ads that have the highest possible quality score. We perform extensive keyword research based on your business and local competitors; this allows us to make sure that your ads will be displayed for every possible keyword that is related to your business.
We constantly review your campaign data and make adjustments as needed. The longer your campaign runs, the more data we can analyze, and your ads will continue to perform at the highest level.